Well, I am twenty six years old. And I do not feel I am wiser every year, in fact, I have reasons to think that my IQ goes lower as every year that passes.

Of course this could not be true, because if it were, I’ll be nigh Down Syndrome by now. On the other hand I have the slight feeling that my luck does decrease with every year that I get older. But maybe is time to go to a shaman or something.

Sadly I got no gifts this year, which means that soon I must get a job, and a real one. So boring, so fucking boring. Anyway life is peachy and all’s good under heaven or some shit like that.

On other news, I won’t blog about anime anymore simply because no one reads this useless blog of mine and certain persons couldn’t be bothered by my opinions about why I like Higurashi ni Naku Koro ni, because it’s not the fact that the main male character clubs to dead a pair of girls in the first minute of the first episode and is not the girl with a tendency to wield an axe. I simply like that particular horror anime, and the fact that it has kawaii girls just add a little spice to the bloody mix.

If any of you has the multiquoted series called “Eureka Seven” then you should kindly lend me to it.

I have so much free time that I don’t know what to do with it.

I fucking hate Comicastle. They don’t have the last issue of Strangers in Paradise.

By the way, I proclaim myself member of the Haruhiis religion, if you don’t have an idea of what I am taking about, go and google “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”

Things like that makes me wonder if I really am dumber every year, that show if so strange that I can’t help to laugh like crazy.

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